It’s All About The Feel
The metal surface has the support and flex of a real metal cymbal, while rubber coating keeps your practice and recording sessions quiet.
Metal Surface
For real cymbal look & feel
Rubber Padded Surface
For silent practice or recording
Connect & Customize
With 3-zones you can trigger your bell, bow, and edge zones,
plus your choke sensor*
* Your drum module may not support all zones and choke functions,
check the compatibility chart at this LINK.
Full-sized 13” E-Cymbal Pad
Sized to be a great hi-hat replacement or replacement cymbal
on smaller e-kits.
Upgrade Almost Any E-Kit
We included both a single and dual-cable outputs, making it compatible with nearly any brand’s drum module, even moving hi-hat designs.
The 3-zones and choke features are also compatible with most drum modules. To see a full compatibility chart, click HERE.